How to start a self improvement journey

Goals of Living


2 minutes read

You’re taking a walk, disappointed in where you are in life and you wonder if you’re the best you can be. The problem with such a question is that inherently it’s pretty abstract. To figure if you’re the best you can be you need to first establish what areas you want to improve in, then you need to find out where you are currently and where you wish to be.

But now you’re all set, right? Well not really, the next step is prioritizing. If you envision your best self there might be a lot of areas that shouldn’t be focused on straight away. What’s going to happen if you set up 10 goals at once? It’s not going to hold. Instead, you should focus on what areas in your life that truly matter that will make the biggest impact to make you more satisfied.

What are you dissatisfied with?

  1. Love life
  2. Work
  3. Social life
  4. Motivation
  5. Exercise
  6. Diet
  7. Hobby
  8. Quitting bad habits
  9. Creating good habits

Now you need to pick the top three areas where you are dissatisfied. For this example, let’s say that your top priority is getting a new job.

We need to find a new job, what are the possibilities? Well, a good start would be to look at a job marketplace. We can also call local companies and see if they are recruiting, or we could network on Linkedin and look for available positions. Once we know what can be done we need to set up a plan for how to carry this out. We can answer five job postings per week, network on Linkedin three times a week, and look for local companies three times per week.

Sounds like a plan, what else do I need?

Now we got a realistic strategy to get a job based on the possibilities that we have. Now open your calendar and schedule times per week that you will spend with these tasks. For example, on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays I will network on Linkedin for an hour.

Now the tough part kicks in, the time comes to do the changes and you don’t feel like it. Maybe you get invited somewhere, or you’re not feeling up for it. Maybe you’ve been so productive with something else that you deserve a break. The mind is an expert in creating excuses for things it doesn’t want to do. But it’s important to keep focus and working towards your goal anyways.

It may be easier to reach your goal if you envision what your goal would entail, for example, a bigger salary and better colleagues. Maybe it’s creating monetary rewards, such as buying something you want if you achieve it.

#goals#mental health


Pick out the top three things you want to improve with yourself, create a plan on how to do it, put it in your calendar, stick to it and reward yourself.

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