Five habits that will help you be successful

Goals of Living


2 minutes read

Are you looking to improve your life? Are you looking to be the best person you can be? You can change a lot for the better, that’s why successful people exist. You are what you do, and if you do great things, what are you?

There’s a lot of different habits you can choose from in life, and it stems mostly from your personal beliefs, your environment and your ambition. You are going to work differently if you set your mind to be richer than Bill Gates, or your father. In this article I’m going to show five different habits that I have incorporated in my life and how it changed me.

  1. Cold showers
  2. Making my bed
  3. Daily walks
  4. Goal setting
  5. Early mornings

1. Cold showers

I have noticed I am more alert in the morning, and I’m more confident because I set up an uncomfortable goal at the start of the day, and I did it. Cold showers are also proven to make you more happy in life and decrease anxiety. I haven’t had a single consequence of doing this, only good changes.

2. Making my bed

Setting goals and being committed to them is important, even with small tasks. When you make your bed, the first goal of the day is already finished.

3. Daily walks

Exercise is important, but you don’t need to exercise like The Rock to see results. I’m a fan of daily walks, it’s easy to fit in to a day and they help me think about my day. A good length for a walk is 20 minutes to 2 hours, i usually land at an hour.

How has this changed my life? It made me look more healthy, I lost weight, I got multiple light bulb moments and it made me happier. 

4. Goal setting

I write goals every day in the afternoon, that consist of around 5 things I want done the next day. For me that’s solving different problems I face in life, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, or by pushing myself to do something I am afraid of doing. 

By doing this I have landed myself at a good job, financial freedom, created numerous highly technical projects and most importantly, made me feel that the life I live matters. Goal setting has been the most important factor in getting more successful and competent. 

5. Early mornings

I used to love staying up late, and sleeping in. When I found out a lot of highly successful people wake up early, that made me wonder why. After thinking about it, I decided the best way to find out was to test it myself.

What happened? Waking up was a chore. I kept on waking up early til 20 days had passed and it became a habit. When this experiment was done I knew why successful people did this. When I was the only person awake nobody bothered me, I was in a sense free to do what I wanted, and concentrate on what made me motivated. When the rest of the world woke up, my work was mastered and I was glowing.

#entrepreneur#goals#mental health


Wake up early and start your morning by making your bed and taking a cold shower. Exercise daily, walks is a good and easy alternative. Make a list of things in the afternoon for what you want done the next day.

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