How to pursue personal growth in 10 practical ways

Goals of Living


5 minutes read

Personal growth consists of activities that develop a person’s capabilities and potential. It can also mean to enhance the quality of life and the realization of dreams and aspirations.

In this article we are going to share 10 practical ways for helping your personal growth. These techniques are personally tested and verified by myself to have significant impact. I recommend to fit these techniques into personal challenges or goals to try for at least 20 days.

1. Read Every Day
2. Overcome Your Fears
3. Level up Your Skills
4. Wake up Early
5. Have a Weekly Exercise Routine
6. Start Your Life Handbook
7. Ask for Feedback
8. Stay Focused With To-Do Lists
9. Start a Journal
10. Get a Mentor or Coach

1. Read Every Day

It’s no secret that reading books goes hand in hand with success. It makes sense, an author has put in a huge amount of work for learning and teaching a specific topic. The content in the book is optimized for you to learn the topic quicker and easier than the author had to do.

A lot of people have trouble reading, it may be because of concentration, dyslexia, or simply don’t learn optimally that way. Fortunately, there’s other ways of obtaining that information. A lot of books have audio books these days, I usually start an audio book when I take my morning walks to hit two birds in one stone.

2. Overcome Your Fears

You have two choices, you can hide from your fears or you can confront them. A lot of people pretend their fears don’t exist, they refuse to talk about them. They block their minds from it. But their fears will creep into their thoughts again.

The best way to confront your fears is by doing exposure therapy. Expose yourself to your fears on a regular basis til you’re bigger than your fear, and you can crush it. The feeling of owning your fears, rather than it owning you a big part of personal growth.

3. Level up Your Skills

If you don’t level up your skills you will fall behind while more motivated people do it. But leveling up your skills is easier said than done. Here’s how you can level up your skills with three practical methods.

  1. Follow thought leaders
  2. Participate in conferences
  3. Stay active in the community

4. Wake Up Early

Your early morning tend to be the most productive time of the day because you get uninterrupted time to yourself. It can also improve your mental health because your mornings will get more stress free in the morning. You can start your day the way you want to, and not let the morning dictate you.

So when is early exactly? Most people consider early to start at 6 AM, but some people go up 4 AM or 5 AM. It’s not secret that highly successful people use early mornings to their advantage. You are probably familiar with top CEOs such as Jack Dorsey, Tim Cook, and Martha Stewart. What do you have in common? You guessed it.

5. Have a Weekly Exercise Routine

Exercising has major benefits for both mental and physical health. We all know about the physical, you get stronger, better stamina, boosts your energy. It’s a lot more than that. You sleep better, improve your sex life, minimize risk of disease and anxiety, and makes you happier.

Making a weekly schedule of what workouts is best suited for you, as well as when to do them is a great way to start. Remember that nobody starts successfully at 100% effort, slowly work your way up to get the habit and advance from there. You won’t feel great if you go all in on the gym and can’t move the following days.

6. Start Your Life Handbook

A life handbook is a handbook that you have written, about what it means to be you. You write about your life purpose, your vision, strengths, dreams, goals, and plans. Doing this will help you later in life when you’re in front of difficult decisions, because you know exactly who you are.

When your book is finished, read it every morning so you get in the right mindset and know what to prioritize during the day. There’s a great article about this subject on the blog for Personal Excellence. Read it if you’re interested!

7. Ask For Feedback

It’s incredibly hard to know what you don’t know. You need perspective in life, preferably from people that have already faced your problems. Ask your friends, family, colleagues or mentors about how you’re doing.

It’s easy to get put into the role of a lone wolf, but getting constructive feedback from others can speed up your journey by years. But be careful of who you ask, stay away from negative people.

8. Stay Focused With To-Do Lists

Making a to-do list transforms you from a passive person that lets life dictate you, to a person that stands tall and confronts life to demand what is yours. You can see to-dos lists as a writing a story, because you will be able to track your personal growth over time.

To-dos can make you feel less anxious and more happy. This was an unexpected boost that I learned early on. When you write to-dos you don’t need to think about what you need to know next, you can drop those thoughts completely because you already had it figured out the day before. If you’re interested in goal setting, head over to my article “How to take ownership of your life”

9. Start a Journal

Starting a journal can help you manage anxiety, reduce stress and copy with depression. Just writing about your life can have a profound impact on your life. But that’s not all, it can also make you more successful.

By actively thinking about your problems and life situation while writing you either consciously or subconsciously start to come up with a solution. This has helped me tremendously in life, you never know how well you can better your life until you see it face-to-face and try to tackle it.

10. Get a Mentor or Coach

There’s multiple ways to get a coach, you can ask a friend which has done what you want to do. You can ask people online and see if they’re willing to help. You can also pay someone to guide you to your finish line. I have have personal experience with this, and it cost around $100 per session.

Having a mentor will guide you to personal growth and success like no other way. If you can find one, then take the opportunity because you won’t regret it if it’s a good mentor.

#goals#mental health
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